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Assured Consumption in Zhejiang Assured Consumption in ASP



   Recently, through the strict review of the market supervision and Administration Bureau and other departments, Advanced Solar Power (Hang Zhou)Inc. is pleased to raise the title of "reassuring consumer unit (reassuring factory) in 2019" in Zhejiang Province.  "Assured consumption in Zhejiang" is an innovative action plan created by Zhejiang provincial government to establish a sound mechanism to promote assured consumption.  Since its establishment, ASP has always adhered to attentive service, standardized internal management, focused on product quality, guaranteed follow-up operation and maintenance, and provided consumers with high-quality products and perfect services. In the future, ASP will also always respond to the letter of commitment of reassurance consumption, practice "real price, quality and safety, high quality service, fast disputes", and provide consumers with a reassurance consumption service environment.


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